Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 50 - Time doesn't exist, and other trippy things about being on a mission

Hey Guys!!

Well, on the 27th of July I have officially finished the first year of the mission. :0 

Time flies. 

I feel old. I've seen a lot of missionaries go and lot of missionaries come. And I've still got "A Spotless Rose" stuck in my head.

Most of the people I knew when I left home for Guatemala a year ago have lived completely different lives. I have, too. I never would have imagined, January of 2015, that I would be in Guatemala, speaking Spanish, living with all kinds of people from all over the world, living off of $200 a month. 

In my life right now my roommate is from Peru. My closest friends are from the USA, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. I get to speak English maybe one time a week with someone who understands me.

Did they make a Finding Dory without me knowing it? 

For me, time froze a year ago. I left my family behind- Josh at 16 years old, Jacob at 13 years old, and Brock and Bella at 9 years old. They'll all be different when I get home. When a missionary leaves home, he doesn't realize how much things will change while he's gone.
When a missionary leaves home, he doesn't realize how much things will change him while he's gone.

Well, about the work this week, we found 22 new investigators, and 2 new investigators came to church! That made me pretty happy. Remember the Great Commandments that Jesus Christ gave us. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might, and mind. And the Second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets: everything that we do as members of this Church and as missionaries.

Elder Jeffrey Reed

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