Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 54 - Tired .... Tired ... Just Tired

Hey guys!

SO... half the zone disappeared this week because of emergency changes.  :/ 
Ugh. I hate emergency changes. It hurts the zone a TON. It hurts the mission a ton, too. And it's just frustrating to see that other elders aren't focused on the work like they should be. But there's not too much that you can do.

Good news: I was able to see Abner Elel (that guy who is my sister's ex-companion's boyfriend who got baptized in June) FINALLY receive the Aaronic Priesthood and bless the Sacrament. That was a cool experience. It's been great to be able to continue in the area.

We're getting to the end of training with Elder Villar. I've been in this area 3 changes now, and I don't really want to leave. I love the people here, the members, the converts that I've helped come to Christ.  There have been happy times and sad times here. But it's all part of the mission.

We also had a cool service project this week! There's a kind of weed here called monte. It's literally jungle vine. This grows very, very, very fast, and if you don't do anything about it, it has the strength to rip up trees, tear holes in walls, etc. We cleared out an old lady's house that had become infested with this. That was a cool experience. There's nothing like hacking away with a machete through vines all day.

To be honest, because of everything that's happened lately, I've been TIRED.  When bad things happen to someone or happen AROUND someone, it makes it a lot harder to feel the Spirit and to keep moving forward. To be honest, I had no idea how I was gonna make it to the end of this week, I felt so emotionally and spiritually drained. I just felt and kept wondering if I wanted to continue, if it was really worth it to talk to the next person, because they were probably gonna say no anyways. But I did keep going. It's hard to be a missionary sometimes. When you contact as many as 50, 60 or 70 people in a day and NO ONE wants to talk to you it drains your willpower. But it's good. It helps you understand what Jesus did, and how frustrated and discouraged he must have felt when no one seemed to listen to him.

Thank you guys for writing! I love you all, and keep writing!

Elder Jeffrey Reed

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