Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My First Week

Hola, Amigos y Familia!!!!
If you guys are wondering, everything got sent to the right Jeff Reed. There´s so much that happened already. On the first day, they started us on Spanish immersion. I feel like I´ve learned so much more about the Spanish language in the past week than I have throughout all of my life!  The language, as far as I can tell, is coming pretty naturally. Also, I’ve figured out why Jodi´s spelling is so bad- her English isn’t degrading, she’s just trying to write as many words as fast as possible on a computer. My spelling isn’t doing so well right now either, but there’s just so much that’s new and exciting. Qe get up at 6:30m and go to bed at 10:30pm. I was called to serve as District Leader, which basically means I’m in charge of helping the missionaries in my district stay focused. I hope I’m doing a good job with that.
Jodi was right- the CCM (MTC is Spanish) is a jail. It´s incredible at the same time, though! The food is good, although it can make you feel a little funny sometimes, and I haven’t gotten sick yet, either. We have constant Spanish study every day for about 8 hours, 1 hour of sports and exercise time, and about an hour and a half of food. I haven’t exactly figured out the numbers, but it’s a lot of study. My district is incredible. Everyone in it has the most diverse natures and personalities ever! And my companion, Elder Nawahine, is pretty awesome, too. He’s from Hawaii and he has a lot of energy. He’s really fun to be around. The CCM isn’t all devoted to Spanish, though, it’s a lot of teaching! I had to teach a lesson 3 days in- solos en español. It was very very very hard. But now that I’m a couple days older and wiser, I can plan and teach a little better. Everything I’m typing is in italics now, and I’m not sure why. Spanish keyboards are weird.  Guys, I can’t tell you how happy it made me to open up my account a couple minutes ago and see 17 different e-mails!! I’m so lucky to have so many people at home supporting me. Thank you all for the amazing amount of love you guys provide me.
I love it here. There’s nothing like the work I’m doing now and will be doing for the next two years. I’m, barely a week in and I feel like I’ve been here forever, but its not bad at all. I love working with the other missionaries! Its honestly so much fun, and Spanish is officially the best language! It’s so much more beautiful than English, even if it is a pain to remember all the conjugations. I honestly can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to translate everything I hear into English in my head. The people here are warm and friendly and nice, and the temple is right next to the CCM. It’s a beautiful temple! 
 Thank you guys so much! Please keep writing!!

 Love you all!!

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